Hotels near Taborstrasse U2 Station in Vienna

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Taborstrasse U-Bahn Station

Taborstrasse is a big street in Leopoldstadt (Vienna’s 20th district), which runs from Schwedenplatz (at the border of Innere Stadt, the 1st district) to the north. Taborstrasse Station (on metro line U2 between Schottenring Station and Praterstern Station) is situated at the junction of Taborstrasse and Obere Augartenstrasse, near the southernmost tip of Augarten Park.

Hotels near Taborstrasse Station

There are many hotels near Taborstrasse Station. Most hotels have 3 or 4 stars, but all price categories are represented. Most of them are located along the major streets (Taborstrasse, Praterstrasse, Heinestrasse), but you will also find some scattered in the narrow side streets.

Here you can see a hotels map of Taborstrasse Station surroundings with available hotels highlighted:

The main question to ask while searching for accommodation near Taborstrasse is if you want to stay closer to the Inner City (south of Taborstrasse Station in direction to Schwedenplatz) or closer to Praterstern and Prater (east of Taborstrasse). The walking distance from Taborstrasse Station to both Innere Stadt and Prater Amusement Park is just 8-10 minutes (or 1 U-Bahn stop).

Other stations near Taborstrasse with good accommodation

There are several other U-Bahn stations with good accommodation choices, located within walking distance or 1-2 metro stops from Taborstrasse. The best hotel locations include:

  • Praterstern Station (1 stop from Taborstrasse Station on line U2, Stadion direction): one of Vienna’s biggest train stations and public transport hubs, just a few steps from Prater Amusement Park entrance.
  • Schottenring Station (1 stop from Taborstrasse Station on line U2, Karlsplatz direction): located at the edge of Vienna Innere Stadt at the bank of the Donaukanal.
  • Schwedenplatz (nearby station on line U1): at the southern end of Taborstrasse at the border of Innere Stadt and also at the bank of the Donaukanal.

You can also try the U-Bahn stations inside the Inner City, especially Stephansplatz (near St. Stephen’s Cathedral) or Herrengasse (near the Imperial Palace Hofburg).

Vienna Taborstrasse Station hotel booking