23. Liesing

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Siebenhirten U6 Wien Liesing

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Hotels near Wien Liesing Station

Find a hotel near Bahnhof Wien Liesing now You can filter or sort the hotels by price, review rating, number of stars, and several other criteria: Search hotels near Liesing S-Bahn Station now Search hotels in all parts of Vienna Wien Liesing S-Bahn Station Bahnhof Wien Liesing (Vienna Liesing Railway Station) is located at Liesinger [more…]

U-Bahn Line U6: Floridsdorf – Siebenhirten

Metro line U6 basic facts, schedule, and intervals Line U6 is the longest of the five metro lines in Vienna. It goes approximately in the north-south direction, located to the west of the Inner City. U6 is the only U-Bahn line in Vienna which doesn’t go through the Inner City. Its number is 6, though [more…]